Office News |2 min read

January 2023 Newsletter

Happy New Year! We hope this year will be your best.

Here are some ideas on how to start this new year:

  • Write down all of your personal and professional goals and place them somewhere visible.
  • Remember that taking care of yourself should be the priority.
  • Include eating habits, daily exercise and a sleeping routine.

If you do not feel refreshed every morning, you should read this newsletter.



Sleep Apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of the throat relax too much during sleep. When the muscles collapse, the airway is blocked, which requires the patient to wake up just enough to continue breathing again. While patients typically don’t remember waking up frequently throughout the night, these episodes disrupt the sleep cycle and can decrease the patient’s quality of sleep significantly. This consistent lack of quality sleep can lead to a wide range of symptoms, and in some cases, sleep apnea can actually be fatal.


Patients are often unaware that they have Sleep Apnea because they are asleep when episodes occur. Some common sleep apnea symptoms include:

  • Chronic Exhaustion and Fatigue
  • Difficulty Concentrating or Remembering throughout the day
  • Waking up Choking or Gasping
  • Waking up with a Dry Mouth
  • Daily Sore Throat and/or Headaches
  • Irritability and Mood Swings
  • Loud Snoring

Not everyone who snores has sleep apnea, but if your loud snoring is interrupted by periods of silence, that’s a sign that you may have Sleep Apnea. The only way to know for sure is by completing a sleep study.


There are several ways Sleep Apnea can be treated. Many patients use CPAP machines that force air into the lungs even when the muscles are relaxed.

Dentists create custom mouthguards that fit comfortably in the mouth during sleep and help keep the airway open; so even when the muscles relax, air is still able to move in and out. Mouthguards are more convenient and cost-effective than CPAP machines. They are very easy to travel with and patients typically have an easier time getting used to them.

If you think a custom oral appliance for Sleep Apnea could increase the quality of your sleep, please contact our office to schedule a consultation!

Call Today 407-234-2406


What’s Happening at Nona Smiles














December 2022

Referral Contest Winner! You could be next….    












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